Thursday 20 November 2008

Can computers be a teacher substitute?

It is meaningful to know that computers are a very good tool and a quite effective teacher's companion at the moment of teaching, For that reason I think that our technological training must be everyday better to reach an excellent connection between what we do in the classroom and the new technologies, but only they as helpers and not as substitutes, since I do believe their function as assistant do not go beyond that. In our role as teachers who are flesh and blood, we must give students a educational escort and personal monitoring which is an important part of students' learning and it can not be gave by a machine, no matters how technological it is, only a human being can convey those and another important feelings in the precise moment of learning and teaching. That's why I disagree with the idea of Computers may substitute teachers in the future.


  1. Computers are, in fact, a revelant complement in teaching. The increasing of technology seems to relegate teachers' functions in education. However, the role of the teacher won´t probably be replaced by computers.

  2. I agree with you ... even though computers are very useful for learning and getting knowledge won't ever substitute a complete teacher;)

